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Ending on a high note

View from my office and last sunset of 2018…I’ll take it!

For those who wanted to end the year on a high note and feel as if they haven’t, please know that if you’ve invested in self and done the work, your prize is just around the corner. You’re ending on a high note and entering 2019 from a position of significant strength. And with that in mind, I’d love to share my key takeaways from this past year:

1) Living with intention is significantly more effective than setting goals.

2) We often identify people who are really good at what they do as learned experts in their fields, when in fact they just pick things up very quickly or simply demonstrate grit.

3) Want to improve your networking skills? True connectedness stems from showing up with open palms, reaching out without an agenda, and making it easy for others to see and connect with you.

4) With some effort, it’s possible for small business owners to quadruple their income within six months.

5) Executive presence is a real thing, making all the difference to how present yourself and deeply affecting your confidence and credibility.

6) Stepping outside your comfort zone is the only way to experience growth.

7) On a deeper level we’re all here to help others. From a career standpoint, the more easily you can align that with your work, the happier you’ll be.

8) Leading companies can treat candidates very poorly. Heads of Talent, please pay attention.

9) Of all the clients I worked with this year, these are the primary reasons behind their career change. Key takeaway? Empoyers could stand to do a better job of career progression mapping to keep team members engaged.

-Leaving a company due to lack of confidence in management team or organizational instability/uncertainty (4%)

-Leaving toxic culture (5%)

-New position that wasn’t working out (5%)

-Let go/made redundant due to reorg or company relocation (6%)

-Not actively looking but wanted to be ready for new opportunities and drive their careers (8%)

-Looking for opportunity following a sabbatical/self-initiated break (11%)

-Returning to work force after raising children (12%)

-Looking for full time opportunity after working as a contractor or leading own business (12%)

-Ready for a change and don’t love what they do (17%)

-Leaving company due to lack of upward mobility/growth opportunities (20%)

Wishing a very happy 2019 to all. Make this your year!

Bronia Hill

Helping professionals navigate career transitions, market themselves for new opportunities, and rock their careers since 2009.

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